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Why Us?

What’s Our Story?

Hi, I am Caroline Ward the Behaviour mentor at Fullhurst Community College, In January 2014 my Line Manager, said he had a "Little" project for me to work on, to set up and run an Online Radio Station for the College.

I contacted Demon.FM(Demontfort University's Online radio station) and  was invited to attend their weekly meeting to see how Demon.FM worked. It was an AMAZING experience which blew me away!

Whilst at the meeting I met Aaron, who works voluntarily for Demon.FM. Aaron informed me that Demon.FM had a control desk they were willing to sell to the School. I informed my line manager and asked if we could buy the desk for the school. Then the hard work started, We ordered radio furnishings, parts and the software to have the radio station built. And finally we had a fully working, fully licenced radio station in the college. After we got the thumbs up we started to gather a Fullpower Team and trained them up to use the radio station. So here we are now in 2017 with a wonderful team and a fully working radio station!


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